
- TD:SET GRID DOTS VERT SYM=1O When the axes are plotted, a grid is drawn consisting of vertical dotted lines at each large X tick, and symbols at the intersection of large X and Y ticks. TD:SET GRID DOTS VERT HORIZ is the same as ... TD:SET GRID DOTS ON TD:SET GRID RED ON PERMANENT All subsequent plots with axes have red grids. TD:SET GRID SYM=0O THETA=90 PHI=90 The grid will be plotted with crosses as the grid symbol, oriented normal to the Y axis. The symbol lies in the XZ plane. TD:SET GRID X Y Z YZ ZX DOTS OUTLINE PERM Plots grids only on the YZ and ZX planes. Since only the XY plane exists for normal plots, TD will only put grids on 3-D plots.