15.63.2 DATA

SAVE DATA [FILE=file_name] [POINTS|COLUMNS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2]] [LINES|ROWS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2]] [SETS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2]] [SELECT="name"] [SLICES [X|Y|Z] [FROM] v1 [[TO] v2]] [NAME="name of data"] [APPEND[=ON|OFF]] Saves Topdrawer data in a file. If no file is specified TDSAVE.TDB is assumed. By specifying the range of points, sets and so on you may select which data is saved. The optional NAME is stored in the file as a comment. APPEND adds the data to the end of an existing file. The RESTORE command is used to get saved data. NOTE: If the data contains NDX,NDY, or NDZ coordinates, it can not be used with older verson of TD.