15.60.2 MESH

READ MESH [BINS] [APPEND[=ON|OFF]] [WITH] [ERRORS[=ON|OFF]] [FOR] {X|Y|Z}[=] N1,...,Nn [nn+1 ENDBINS] [FOR] {X|Y|Z}[=]nn {X|Y|Z}[=] N1,...,Nn [FOR] {X|Y|Z}[=]nn {X|Y|Z}[=] N1,...,Nn ................ [[FOR] {X|Y|Z}[=]nn ENDBINS] or instead of N1,...Nn [[FROM=n] [TO=n] [BY|WIDTH|STEP=n] [N=n]] You must specify the points as an array of X,Y,Z values. If the attribute BINS is selected you specify the edge of the bins rather than the center of the bins and the optional END marks the end of the data.