15.59.8 Examples

You read in a mesh of X,Y vs Z. TD:PROJECT Y FROM 5 TO 10 Projects the Y slices corresponding to Y=5 to 10 onto the X axis, and 2-d array of values is stored. The new array of values is the sum of all Z values corresponding to the range of Y values. The mesh data is destroyed. TD:PROJECT Y FROM 5 TO 10 BY 2 Makes 3 projections from 5 to 7, 7 to 9, and 9 to 10 TD:PROJECT X Y APPEND TD:SET WINDOW X 1 of 2;HIST SET <SETS-1>;TITLE BOTTOM 'X axis' TD:SET WINDOW X 2 of 2;HIST SET LAST;TITLE BOTTOM 'Y axis' TD:DELETE SETS FROM <SET-1> Projects both X and Y. The projection along the X axis is in data next to last data set while along Y is in the last set. Both projections are then histogrammed in separate windows. Finally the projections are deleted. Note: This assumes only 1 mesh data set exists. If n mesh sets exist then 2n projections will be formed. TD:PROJECT X 1 2.5 X 3 5 X 6 10;HIST Projects 3 different bands of data along the X axis. All 3 projections are then histogrammed.