15.58.23 3-d

Mesh data produces a scatter plot if THREE is off and the dependent axis is Z. If the dependent axis is Y or X then a series of slices are plotted of mesh data. The scatter plot is truncated with zero dots for data equal to ZMIN, and the maximum number of dots at ZMAX. The options SYMBOL, DOTS, COUNTS, NORANDOM, and VARIABLE are used to control the look of the scatter plot. In addition by setting the Z limits and using the LIMITED option you can control which data is plotted. If the dependent axis is not correct for the desired type of plot use the SWAP command to change them. Example TD:PLOT SYMBOL=1O SIZE=10 NORANDOM VARIABLE Plots the selected symbol in varying sizes. It is 1.0" at ZMAX and nothing is plotted at ZMIN. TD:SET LIM ZMAX=4; PLOT BLUE LIMITED or... TD:PLOT BLUE LIMITED TO Z=4 TD:SET LIM ZMIN=4; PLOT RED LIMITED or... TD:PLOT RED LIMITED FROM Z=4.0001 Points Z=4 and lower are plotted in BLUE. Points above 4 are RED. The default for PLOT is THREE off.