NEW [FRAME|PLOT] [RESET] [ALIAS=alias] "Comment about plot" Starts a new picture. Untreated points are PLOTTED before going on. The old data points are retained until new ones are read. Parameters are returned to the default values. If the plot device is interactive and you are executing commands inside a file the program prompts: PAUSE: You press the "Return" key to start the next plot. If instead of "return" you type in STOP, TOPDRAWER will stop executing the input file and return to command level. You can also type EXIT, QUIT, HALT, END, or Ctrl_Z instead of STOP. If you press Ctrl_C then TOPDRAWER will skip input until another STOP command is encountered, or the file ends. Pressing Ctrl_C twice rapidly in succession will abort all file input. Pressing Ctrl_C twice rapidly in succession again will cause the program to ask you if you wish to abort.