INTERPOLATE [LEVEL=n] [{SPLINE|GENERAL}] [CLOSED[=ON|OFF]] [POINTS|COLUMNS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2]] [SETS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2]] [SELECT="name"] [LIMITED [VLOG[=ON|OFF]] [[FROM]|TO [[X=]nx,[[Y=]ny[,[Z=]nz]]] [RECURSOR] [CURSOR] ] [APPEND[=ON|OFF]] [NAME="name"] [LOG[=ON|OFF]] Interpolates a data set and puts the result into a new data set. LEVEL is the number of intervals per pair of points. If 2 a single point is interpolated in between each existing point. If it is 5 then 4 points are interpolated. X, Y, and Z if available are all interpolated. The data must be strictly monotonic in either Y or X for a SPLINE interplation. If the first and last points of a curve are the same, the curve is assumed to be closed, and the interpolation is done accordingly. If the data is POLAR or SPHERICAL then the angles must vary smoothly for proper closure.