There are a number of options that are common to many commands. These select either the data to use, or the plot attributes. Commands that modify data have some common output options. Data selection POINTS|COLUMNS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2] Selects the data points or columns of a mesh by number LINES|ROWS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2] Selects the lines of a mesh SETS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2] Selects the data sets by number SELECT="name" Selects the data sets by name LIMITED [VLOG[=ON|OFF]] [[FROM]|TO [[X=]nx,[[Y=]ny[,[Z=]nz]]] [RECURSOR] [CURSOR] Selects the data by specifying a range or value for each point SLICES [X|Y|Z] [FROM] v1 [[TO] v2] Selects the data by specifying a range and selects the axis to view a mesh. [TITLE[=ON|OFF]] Uses the name of the current histogram to put a title on the plot. Plot limits EXPAND[=ON|OFF] Plot attributes CYCLE[=ON|OFF] Each data set is plotted with a different intensity, color ... INTENSITY|WIDTH=n Selects the line width for the plotted data WHITE|RED|GREEN|BLUE|YELLOW|MAGENTA|CYAN Selects the color for the plotted data SOLID|DOTS|DASHES|DAASHES|DOTDASH|PATTERNED|FUNNY|SPACE Selects the texture of the lines for plotted data. HIDE[=ON|OFF] Hides the current data if behind a previous hidden set. FILL[=ON|OFF] Fills the data with a pattern. Output selection. APPEND[=ON|OFF] The resulting "new" data set is appended to the current sets rather than replacing it. NAME="name" Specifies the name of the "new" data set. Miscellaneous LOG[=ON|OFF]