15.37.13 USER

USER=n Does a fit to a user supplied function type. N must be between 1 and 99 with a default of 1. If none then a polynomial is used. For each coefficient of the linear fit the user supplied function is called: Y=TDUFUN(n,NORD,X) Where n is the function type. NORD is the number of the coefficient (1-19) and X is the x value. The user function must return the y value of the term. For example if you want USER=1 to select a polynomial, and USER=2 to select an inverse polynomial. You would write the following subroutine: FUNCTION TDUFUN(n,NORD,X) IF (n.eq.1) THEN TDUFUN=X**NORD IF (n.eq.2) THEN TDUFUN=X**(-NORD) ELSE END