Normally 1 command is placed on a single line. If you wish to put more than 1 command per line, they must be separated by a semicolon ";" You may continue a command on the next line by putting a minus sign "-" at the end of the current line. TD:SHOW DATA - _TD:STAT=OFF (continuation example) Optional syntax in a command is shown enclosed in square brackets "[]". Required syntax may be enclosed in braces {}. If options are mutually exclusive they are separated by vertical bars "|" Options within a command may appear in any order. Parameters must follow the option they modify. Options in a command may be separated by tabs spaces * , or =. For example SIZE=5 is the same as SIZE 5 or SIZE=5 or ,SIZE 5. Commands and options may be abbreviated to the shortest number of unique characters or a minimum of 2 characters. For example the command BARGRAPH may be abbreviated to BARGR, BAR or even BA. SET FILE INPUT may be abbreviated to SE FI IN. All commands may be abbreviated to 3 characters. The minimum abbreviation for each option is underlined. Commands are read from left to right. If conflicting options are given for the same command, the right most option is used. For example SET AXES ON OFF turns the axes off. Many commands have synonyms. For example AXES or AXIS, STOP or END, NEW FRAME or NEW PLOT or just NEW. Comments may be added to a command by enclosing them in parentheses "()". If the line begins with a double slash, "//" the rest of the line is a comment.