TOPDRAWER will do a variety of 3-d plots. You can plot a series of separate graphs superimposed on a third axis, or you can enter an array of data to be plotted with hidden line removal. The array of data is entered by the READ MESH command. The mesh is then plotted by the HISTOGRAM ,JOIN or PLOT commands. 1. HISTOGRAM BLOCK produces a block or "Lego" plot of mesh data. 2. JOIN produces a mesh surface. 3. SET THREE OFF;PLOT produces a scatter plot of mesh data. 4. CONTOUR produces a contour plot. Axes are not automatically added to 3-d graphs so you must use the command PLOT AXES. You may turn each axis on separately using the SET AXIS command and then PLOT AXES X,Y,Z to place each axis in a convenient location. The command SET THREE is used to specify the "viewpoint" of a 3-d plot. SET SCALE is also used to specify the range and type of scale to use along each of the X,Y,Z axes. 3-d plots may also be built from a series of 2-d plots. To do this you must provide z values and: TD:SET THREE ON Then either JOIN, HISTOGRAM or PLOT is used to plot the data. Normally Z is the dependent variable, and X,Y are the independent variables. If this rule is violated, 3-d histograms will not be correctly plotted. Your data may be moved with the SWAP command if you need to get it into the correct variables.