Time may be entered in hours in the format hh:mm:ss.nnn. You may also enter angles as dd:mm:ss.nn in degrees, minutes, seconds. Time or angle data must begin with a number. 0::1.5 is legal for 1.5 seconds after midnight, while ::1.5 is not legal. Dates may be entered in hours as YYYY\MM\DD. If omitted MM or DD are assumed to be 1. If you wish to enter both date and time the format is YYYY\MM\DD\HH:mm:ss.ss. See:Command SET DATE. If time is preceded by a sign, then all 3 HOURS,MINUTES, and SECONDS are considered negative. If a date or date\time is preceded by a sign it applies only to the YYYY (Year). Signs (+ -) may not be imbedding inside a date\time. Examples 10 (10 am) 10:00 (10 am) 15:30:25.2 (25.2 seconds past 3:30 pm) 0.5 (Half past midnight) 0:30 (Half past midnight) 24:30 (Half past midnight) 1987\12\25\12:30 (12:30 on Dec 25, 1987) -1:30:00 (10:30)