10.1.2 Functions

Functions are expressed as: function<expression> The parenthesis around the argument of the function may be omitted if the argument is a number. All functions may be abbreviated. The available functions are: 1. [ARC]SINE - [inverse] Sine of angle in degrees 2. [A]COSINE - [inverse] Cosine of angle in degrees 3. [A]TANGENT - [inverse] Tangent of angle in degrees 4. RADIANS - Converts degrees to radians 5. DEGREES - Converts radians to degrees 6. GAMMA - GAMMA function (GAMMA(n)=(n-1)!) (Cern Library) 7. LOGARITHM - Log to the base 10 8. EXPONENTIAL - Power of e (inverse LN) 9. LN - Logarithm to the base e 10. SQRT - Square root 11. RANDOM - Random number. RAN(0) produces a random number. RAN(n) sets the seed to n and starts a new random number sequence. 12. ABSOLUTE - Absolute value 13. INTEGER - Integer part of a number 14. FRACTION - Fractional part of a number 15. NINTEGER - Nearest integer to a number 16. ERF - Error function (Cern Library) 17. ERFC - Error function (Cern Library) 18. FREQ - Frequency function (Cern Library)